

The auto industry is the single greatest engine of economic growth in the world. Experts foresee the auto sector to be brimming with challenges and risks for some time; it may take a few more years than expected to see pre-pandemic success levels. The auto industry faces several challenges; one of the major challenges is their supply chain disruptions.

Supply chain disruptions

It takes around 15,000 to 25,000 individual parts to create a vehicle. And every single part must come together at the right time. There are around 1.42 billion vehicles. Thus, businesses need meticulous planning, organization, manufacturing, production and distribution of their products manufacturing engineering to come together. Companies require meticulous planning, organisation, production engineering, and manufacturing to bring them together, and as such, they require efficient supply chain solutions to bring business success.

Statwig's solutions leverage digital twins that bridge the digital and physical worlds, bringing the digital journey of products in a multi stakeholder environment. This results in increasing the visibility of your product journey.

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