

The biotechnology industry is complex and highly regulated, involving multiple stakeholders and high stakes. Even minor supply chain failures can result in significant consequences. Leveraging blockchain and IoT, our advanced technologies offer secure and efficient supply chain solutions with real-time insights for organizations.

Statwig can help solve supply chain failures in the biotechnology industry by providing secure and transparent supply chain solutions. This increased visibility and traceability can help prevent supply chain failures, such as counterfeiting, theft, or spoilage, that can lead to significant financial losses and harm to patient safety. The data management and analysis expertise can provide actionable insights to improve operational efficiency and reduce supply chain risks. Embracing these technologies will position the industry for transformative growth, enabling advancements in healthcare, agriculture, and sustainability, ultimately benefiting society as a whole.

The global biotechnology market was estimated at USD 859.94 billion in 2022 and is expected to be worth around USD 1,683.52 billion by 2030 and poised to grow at a noteworthy CAGR of 8.7% from 2023 to 2030.

Bringing Visibility in Pharmaceutical Supply Chain, Costa Rica

The pandemic has given us an opportunity to assess the resilience and weaknesses of our global supply chains. No other sector has been under the microscope as much as the pharmaceutical sector in the last 3 years...

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